Monday, March 14, 2011

Another memory

Another early memory of mine is the time when my big brother and my dad built me a slide. It was fun till I fell of and hurt my self. Then, they put away the slide since I was mad at it =).

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Yesterday, instead of ice-cream, I decided to have something slightly healthier. With the ice-cream, I mixed in strawberries. It tasted great, but my teeth we're hurting and I had to brush my teeth again!! This evening, we have guests coming over, so I'm going to help my parents'. I'll tell you how it went, later.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The movie and my new toy

The movie was very cute and the end was sad. It thought us that everything, even animals, have feelings and need to be treated with respect. My new toy is a big toy tanker that I can fit into. Now, my big brother puts me in & pushes me around. Next time, something interesting happens I'll tell you. If you want to learn more about caring for animals, you can learn more here

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The banana cake

The banana cake was excellent. However, we didn't get to watch Charlotte's web, for everyone was too tired. Today, my big brothers' friend is coming over to play. I'll tell you how the play date went. Bye for now.